Workflow Forms

Learn how to use Workflow Forms, a feature of that embeds your Workflows as independent AI tools for a broad range of applications.

Workflow Forms give you a way to embed your Workflows as standalone AI tools for internal and external use.  You can read more about them here.

This article is focused on helping you understand how to use Workflow Forms and the various settings you can configure.

To use the Workflow Form, click the “Form” tab at the top of the Workflow.

By default, Forms are disabled so you’ll next want to toggle that switch on.

Once enabled you’ll two two options to use the Workflow Form - an iFrame as well as a Full Page Link you can give to folks.

The iFrame allows you to embed the Form directly with a webpage, an internal intranet side, or a documentation portal.  You can build out a library of commonly used valuable AI apps this way for the entire company to use, even if they do not have access to

The Full Page Link is a webpage containing the Workflow Form that you can share with anyone.

Form Customization

Below that you’ll see some Customization options to control the Form Title, Description, the Button Text, as well as the color of the button.  Make sure that once you make changes, you click the purple “Save” button on the right side.

The second behavior you can enable is to actually show the user the Workflow output results.  This behavior makes sense if the purpose is to provide the user of the form with content or other outputs from the Workflow.  For instance you could build a Transcript Summary Workflow, give the form to colleagues, and when they paste in the raw transcript and submit the form, you could show them the summary.

When you select this option, you also get to choose which outputs you want to present back to the user when the workflow is complete.  By default every step will be selected, but it may make sense to only show them the final output, or just some but not all of the step outputs.

You can de-select any outputs you don’t want to show and click the purple “Save” button to change this behavior.

There are a couple of other settings you can control at this stage as well.

By default the Workflow Form will allow the user to Submit another response.  If you only wish the user to be able to submit a single response, toggle this setting off.

We also brand the form with a small “Powered by” text at the bottom of the form. Feel free to toggle this off if desired.

Rate Limiting

Finally, you can toggle on Rate Limiting.  What this allows you to do is control how many times a Workflow Form can be submitted in a given amount of time.

This is a good idea if embedding the form to a public-facing website to avoid over-use/abuse of the Form.

As always, be sure to click the purple “Save” button if you make any changes.

Lastly you can set an Error Message to show to the user if the Workflow run fails for any reason.